Thursday, July 16, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I really make money by just giving my opinion?
Yes! There are literally thousands of people making money with their opinions everyday. There are millions of companies actively surveying people, to figure out the best ways to promote their products and services. They are willing to pay you good money for this valuable information!

How do I know these companies will pay me?
We thoroughly check the companies in our data base on a regular basis. If a member was not paid for their time we would be the first to know and they would be yanked from our members’ area immediately! This has never happened. Our companies are well established and would never jeopardize their reputation!

How am I paid, and how often?
You will be paid by the companies you are participating with by company check. Some send out checks once a week, while others pay on a bi-weekly basis.

Are any taxes deducted from my paychecks?
No, you are considered an independent contractor and no taxes are taken out of your paycheck.

How many opportunities can I participate in each day?
There is no limit on how many opportunities you can take. This depends on how much time and effort you put into the opportunities. A person who checks their email often and responds to invitations quickly, or logs into the members area to see what new tasks are available often will obviously receive more opportunities than someone who only logs in once a week.

I live outside the United States, can I still participate?
YES. Although some of the companies only accept applicants from the U.S., most are looking for survey takers from all over the globe.

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