After researching so many of the get rich quick or quit your job for this online marketing program sites I found one email reading site that sounded promising - Hits4Pay. You sign up for their program and by giving them your email address they will send you notifications that you have new Hits4Pay emails to read and get money for. Little did I know that the average email you read pays about five cents! Unless you participate in the offers in the email you would need to read 60 emails in an hour just to make three bucks!
What a waste of time just to get set up in the first place. They tell you that the way to really make money at this service you need to add affiliates under you that also read emails and you will then get a portion of the ad revenue they generate through their click thru services. To actually get paid on the emails you read you need to at least view their website while your account is being credited for your nickel.
Other ways to get paid to surf the internet include taking surveys that can pay from $0.50 to $12 each. The longer the survey the more you get paid. None of the survey websites I have seen will actually send you a check on a monthly basis. Almost all collect your earnings in an account that can be used to purchase from a set of prizes or merchandise offered by the sponsors of the website. E-Rewards seems to be the most legitimate of these kinds of companies. Based on the profile you enter when becoming a member, you will be sent survey invitations based on your preferences. Some of the surveys require prequalification questions and if you end up not qualifying they still will credit your account for a nominal amount between $.25 and $.75. Each survey tells you exactly what you can earn and that amount is generally deposited to your account within minutes of completing your survey.
Part of what makes e-Rewards so good is the type of awards you can redeem your e-Currency for. For as little as $10 you can get a year's subscription to several magazines. For larger amounts you can get gift cards or certificates for online merchants. One $25 gift certificate for FTD has no restrictions for a minimum purchase other than it has to be over $25 for the certificate to work.
Source: ezine
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